即便时光如水,冲刷掉关于他的一切痕迹, 往事仍将你囚困于那座城,无处可逃……有没有这么一个人,这么多年,一直被你放在心里最深最深处,深到你自己都忘记了。wWw。qududu.com 去^^读**读水缓缓地落入喉咙,湿漉漉的记忆,在那个午夜慢慢地苏醒。我们在最美好的年华里,
。我选择了陪你。---------------------------------------------------------直接进正题-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“大家好,我们是。。。。。”何老师青春洋溢啊。 “快 乐 家 族 。”所有人。“最近00后很火啊。”依旧是何老师。 “是咯,我们啊都老嘞。”谢娜接话。 于是场下粉丝已经迫不及待了。“好了废话不多说,有请我们的tfboys 和 smile angel 。”维嘉说。----------------------------------------开场秀-------------------------------“我们tfboys也不是第一次上快本了吧。”海涛。”是啊,来给大家打个招呼吧。“吴昕。 “大家好,我们是 ---tfboys”队长带头说道。台下四叶草沸腾。 “那我们的smile angel 是第一次上快本对吧,先给台下观众打个招呼吧。” ”大家好,smile angel 。“ 一一作了介绍之后。开始聊天------------------------”小冉,你们三个中谁笑点低?”谢娜问道小冉指另外两个。洛洛和小安指着小冉。何老师无语的看着他们“我们有一个小短片,一起来看看。”短片里三人坐在沙发上看我们都爱笑,小安和洛洛都很镇定的看着,偶尔笑一下,而小冉。。。。笑的跟嚼了炫迈一样。。。。。--------------短片结束。台下观众和tfboys已经笑得不行了。快乐家族表示已笑趴。-----------------------------游戏时间---------爱的抱抱--------(名字是不是这个我忘了)------------参与者小冉,凯,小安,吴昕,海涛--------5个人围着圈走啊蹦啊。。。“3”何老师裁判员。 最后吴昕,海涛被刷下来。 继续走啊走 “2” 小冉本能的想要抱小安,却被一只手,猛地拉入怀里。还没来得及回头,还没来得及睁眼,你的容貌就已经在我眼前。竟忘了挣脱。是小凯。------------------跳过好多-------------------------------------------------------------------别介意----------------然后是smile angel 的新专辑
baby i'm preying on you tonight。
hunt you down eat you alive。
just like animals, animals, like animals。
maybe you think that you can hide。
i can smell your scent from miles。
just like animals, animals, like animals
baby i'm
so what you trying to do to me
it's like we can't stop we're enemies
but we get along, when i'm inside you。
you're like drug。
that's killing me 。
i cut you out entirely。
but i get so high when i'm inside you。
yeah you can start over,
you can run free
you can find other fish in the sea。
you can pretend it's meant to be。
but you can't stay away from me。
i can still hear you making that sound。
taking me down。
rolling on the ground。
you can pretend that it was me。
but no。
baby i'm preying you tonight。
hunt you down,eat you alive。
just like animals, animals, like animals。
maybe you think that you can hide。
i can smell your scent from miles。
just like animals, animals, like animals。
baby i'm
so if i run, it's not enough。
you're still in my head, forever stuck。
so you can do what you wanna do。
i love your lies, i'll eat 'em up
but don't deny the animal
that comes alive。when i'm inside you。
yeah you can start over。
you can run free。
you can find other fish in the sea。
you can pretend it's meant to be。
but you can't stay away from me。
i can still hear you making that sound。
taking me down。
rolling on the ground。
you can pretend that it was me。
but no。
baby i'm preying you tonight。
hunt you down,eat you alive。
just like animals, animals, like animals。
maybe you think that you can hide。
i can smell your scent from miles。
just like animals, animals, like animals。
baby i'm
don't girl no lie lie lie。
you can't deny ny ny ny
the beast insde side side side。
don't girl no lie lie lie。
you can't deny ny ny ny
the beast insde side side side。
just like animals, animals, like animals。
baby i'm preying you tonight。
hunt you down,eat you alive。
just like animals, animals, like animals。
maybe you think that you can hide。
i can smell your scent from miles。
just like animals, animals, like animals。
baby i'm
don't girl no lie lie lie。
you can't deny ny ny ny
the beast insde side side side
don't girl no lie lie lie。
you can't deny ny ny ny
the beast insde side side side。
yeah yeah yeah--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------歌词有点多。。。。大本营结束后,他们就和快乐家族吃夜宵去了后来的日子,在这座城,我见过很多像你的背影,很多像你的眉,很多像你的眼, 我们也许可以同时爱两个人,又被两个人所爱。