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哥哥下雪了 唱歌比赛。(五)

本章节来自于 哥哥下雪了 http://www.lishu123.com/14/14562/







    “我先走了。”淡淡的说了一句。走上了台,我穿了一件紫蓝色的外套短裙,和一双白色的及膝长靴。“好美……”“加油。残公主。”……“me and you。”“ You've been all around the world in search of life

    And I've been lying on the bed, time floating by

    I'm a slacker, you are always first to act

    But daddy used to say that opposites attract

    We're always gonna make it

    We never have to fake it

    And nothing's gonna brake it

    We just laugh about it

    We just laugh about it

    We're always gonna make it

    We never have to fake it

    And nothing's gonna brake it

    We just laugh about it

    We just laugh about it

    You go all around the world, I go to sleep

    You believe in being there , I like to dream

    Still we never seem to go our separate ways

    Every night you're back with ”Honey, how's your day?”

    Me and you

    We're always gonna make it

    Keep it true

    We never have to fake it

    I love you

    And nothing's gonna brake it

    We just laugh about it

    We just laugh about it

    Me and you

    We're always gonna make it

    Keep it true

    We never have to fake it

    I love you

    And nothing's gonna brake it

    We just laugh about it

    We just laugh about it

    You swim the everglades wearing you rollerblades

    You climb the everest twice a day

    I read a magasine, stare at the silver screen

    We just laugh about it

    We just laugh about it

    We just laugh about it

    We just laugh about it

    Me and you

    We're always gonna make it

    Keep it true

    We never have to fake it

    I love you

    And nothing's gonna brake it

    We just laugh about it

    We just laugh about it

    Me and you

    Keep it true

    I love you ”天籁般的歌声。回荡在这里。“喂,回神了。”我淡淡的看了看主持人和评委。

    “哦,对不起。因为你的歌实在太好听了。 那么,请评委打分。”“九点五。”“十分。”“十分。”“十分。”“那么,总分就是三十九点五。”






    () (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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