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正文 【校花大赛NO.5】

本章节来自于 守护甜心之紫罗兰的忧 http://www.lishu123.com/57/57426/












    the snow glows whitethe mountain tonight

    noootprintbe seen

    a kingdomisolation,

    andlooks like i'm the queen

    the windhowling like this swirling storm inside

    couldn't keepin; heaven knows i've tried

    don't let them in, don't let them see

    the good girl you always havebe

    conceal, don't feel, don't let them know

    well now they know

    letgo, letgo

    can't holdback anymore

    letgo, letgo

    turn away and slam the door

    i don't care what they're goingsay

    let the storm rage on

    the cold never botheredanyway

    it's funny how some distance

    makes everything seem small

    and the fears that once controlled me

    can't getmeall

    it's timesee whaan do

    test the limits and break through

    right,wrong,rules for me,

    i'm free!

    letgo, letgo

    ione with the wind and sky

    letgo, letgo

    you'll never seecry


    and here i'll stay

    let the storm rage on

    power flurries through the air into the ground

    soulspiralingfrozen fractals all around

    and ohought crystallizes likeicy blast

    i'm never going back, the pastin the past

    letgo, letgo

    and i'll rise like the breakdawn

    letgo, letgo

    that perfect girlgone


    the lightday

    let the storm rage on

    the cold never botheredanyway!


    (然然:又不是你,激动啥? 某主持:怎么滴。)




    (此处省略n个选手的表演) (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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