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正文 歌手大赛二

本章节来自于 守护甜心之夏陌淡凉 http://www.lishu123.com/73/73560/



















































    “大家好,我是惜歌,现在我为大家唱一首歌曲 love story 。

    were both young

    wheirst saw you

    i closeeyes and

    the flashback starts

    tanding there on

    a balconysummer air

    see the lights

    see the party the ballgowns

    see you make your waythe crowd

    and say hello

    little dinow

    that you were romeo

    you were throwing pebbles

    anddaddy said

    stay away from juliet

    anas cry。(闺园田居)(九星修魂诀)。。。ingthe staircase

    begging you please doo


    romeo takesomewhere


    ibe waiting

    all thereftdorun

    yoube the prince

    and ibe the princess

    ove story

    baby just say yes

    i sneak out to

    the gardensee you

    keep quiet cause

    deadthey knew

    close your eyes

    escape this town foittle while

    cause you were romeo

    i wacarlet letter

    anddaddy sai

    stay away from juliet

    but you were everythingme

    i was begging youplease doo


    romeo takesomewhere


    ibe waiting

    all thereftdorun

    yoube the prince and

    ibe the princess

    ove story

    baby just say yes

    romeo savethey re


    this lovedifficult

    buts real

    don tafraid

    makeoutthis mess

    ove story

    baby just say yes

    i got tiredwaiting

    wonderingyou were

    ever ing around

    faithyou was fading

    wheet youthe



    romeo save me

    ibeen feelingalone

    i keep waiting for you

    but you never e

    thismy head

    i donow whatthink

    kneltthe ground

    and pulled ouing

    and said


    younever havebe alone

    i love you and

    thaleally know

    i talkedyour dad

    pick ouhite dress

    ove story

    baby just say yes

    were both young

    wheirst saw you

    下面掌声雷动,惜歌唱的比任何一个人都要好,下面还有安安和筱倾。 (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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