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正文 chapter 2

本章节来自于 永远不变的行星 http://www.lishu123.com/77/77863/

    坐在评委席上的评委有:s。(丫头,你被算计了)m的社长 金英敏,s。m的前社长兼现在的音乐总监 李秀满,sj的利特xi,f(x)的雪莉(崔真理)xi和水晶(郑秀晶)xi还有exo的伯贤(卞白贤)和chen(金钟大)。






    even just foay

    i’d roll outbedthe morning

    and throwwhaanted and go

    drink beer with the guys

    and chase after girls

    i’d kickwith whanted

    and i’d never get confronted for it

    because they’d stickfor me

    i weroy

    i think that i’d understand


    i swear i’da better man

    i’d listenher

    causnow howhurts

    when you loose the one you wanted

    cause he’s taken you for granted

    and everything you had got destroyed!

    i weroy

    i would turn offphone

    tell everyohat its broken

    they think thaas sleeping alone

    i’d put myself first

    and make the rulesi go

    causnow that she’llfaithful

    waiting forto e homehome)

    i weroy

    i think thaould understand


    i swear i’da better man

    i’d listenher

    causnow howhurts

    when you loose the one you wanted

    cause he’s taken you for granted

    and everything you had got destroyed!

    it’ittle too late for youe back

    say its jusistake

    thinive you like that

    you thoughould wait for you

    you thought wrong

    but your jusoy

    you don’t understand (and you don’t understand)


    someday you’ll wish you weretter man

    you don’t listenher

    you don’t care howhurts

    until you lose the one you wanted

    cause you taken her for granted

    and everything that you had got destroyed

    but your jusoy…”





    it's easyyou try,

    hell below us,

    aboveonly sky,

    imagine all the people

    living for today。。。


    isnt harddo,

    nothingkilldie for,

    religion too,

    imagine all the people

    living lifepeace。。。


    i wonderyou can,

    need for greedhunger,

    a brotherhoodman,

    imagine all the people

    sharing all the world。。。

    you may saya dreamer,

    butnot the only one,

    i hope some day you'll join us,

    and the world will liveone。”



    “大家先回去练习吧。下午公布出道名单。”李秀满 (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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