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冷酷总裁爱我请深爱 第19章 擂台开战(2)

本章节来自于 冷酷总裁爱我请深爱 http://www.lishu123.com/79/79167/

















    say goodbye say goodbye


    say goodbye say goodbye


    say goodbye say goodbye


    say goodbye  say goodbye


    say goodbye say goodbye


    say goodbye say goodbye










    “乔楠,下一场你上,唱《when can i see you again》”



    “switch on the sky and the stars glow for you

    go see the world ‘cause it’s all so brand new

    don’t close your eyes ‘cause your future is ready to shine

    it’s just a matter of time before we learn how to fly

    welcome to the rhythm of the night

    there’s something in the air you can’t deny

    it’s been fun but now i’ve got to go

    life is way too short to take it slow

    but before i go and hit the road

    i gotta know, till then

    when can we do this again?

    when can i see you again?

    when can we do this again?

    i gotta know

    when can i see you again?。(冷酷校草)(完美世界)。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。”



    ”微笑 ,快,征服他们吧!!!!!!!”乔楠一脸兴奋的说。


    冲乐队点了一下头,音乐声响起来,她要唱的是《tell me why》 ,感人肺腑。

    ”in my dream,children sing

    a song of love for every boy and girl

    the sky is blue and fields are green

    and laughter is the language of the world

    then i wake and all i see

    is a world full of people in need

    tell me why  does it have to be like this?

    tell me why  is there something i have missed?

    tell me why  cos i don’t understand

    when so many need somebody

    we don’t give a helping hand tell me why?

    everyday i ask myself

    what will i have to do to be a man?

    do i have to stand and fight

    to prove to everybody who i am?

    is that what my life is for

    to waste in a world full of war?

    tell me why  does it have to be like this?

    tell me why  is there something i have missed?

    tell me why  cos i don’t understand

    when so many need somebody

    we don’t give a helping hand tell me why?

    tell me why?tell me why?

    tell me why?tell me why?

    just tell me why, why, why?

    tell me why

    tell me why

    tell me why

    can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?

    tell me why

    tell me why

    can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?

    tell me why

    tell me why

    can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?




    can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand?


    音乐声落下,许多人都被震撼,被感动,流下了眼泪,相比之下,雷的《春天里》就显得平淡了许多。(嫡宠四小姐) (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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