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契约365天 第十章 音乐roar

本章节来自于 契约365天 http://www.lishu123.com/88/88041/
    叶雨欣然:“i used to bite my tongue and hold my breath,我曾咬紧舌关,屏住呼吸不出声 scared to rock the boat and make a mess。(末世魔神游戏)害怕搞砸事情制造混乱

    so i say quietly, agree politely。所以只好默默静坐殷勤首肯

    i guess that i forgot i had a chance。也许我早已忘记我也能掌握全局

    i let you push me past a breaking point 。却任由你一次次触及我底线 我只能默默承受

    i stood for nothing, so i fell for everything。(盛世女皇商)我一事不执 以致万事难成

    u held me down, but i got up。你极力想要控制我 但我不会这样屈服 already brushing off the dust。我已摆脱世俗 进化心灵

    u hear my voice, you hear that sound。你是否听到我的心声 你是否听到我的呐喊

    like thunder, gonna shake your ground。就如一道霹雳 击穿你脚下的大地

    u held me down, but i got up,你急切想要压制我 但我不会屈服 get ready cuz i’ve had enough。(我真是大明星)做好起义准备 因我已无法忍受

    i see it all, i see it now。我已看穿全局 看清局势

    i got the eye of the tiger, of fire, dancing through the fire。我的猛虎之眼目光炯炯 浴火重生 满腔热忱

    cause i’m the champion and you’re gonna hear me roar~我就是无敌勇士 你将要听到我咆哮统领四方

    louder, louder than a lion,响彻云霄 堪比雄狮怒吼 cause i’m the champion。(盛世军婚

    and you’re gonna hear me roaroh~n我就是百兽之王 你能亲耳听到我的咆哮之声

    you’re gonna hear me roar~ 咆哮之声将震破你的耳膜

    now floating like a butterfly,现在我是破蛹的蝴蝶 在空中翩翩起舞 stinging like a bee that earned the strip如蜂蜇一般锐不可当 蜕变出迷人的花纹

    i went from zero, to my own hero。从前一无所有的我 现已成为万世瞩目的英雄

    u held me down, but i got up。(绝品邪少)你不惜一切的想要压制我 但我已远走高飞 already brushing off the dust。我已不同流俗 忘却杂念

    u hear my voice, you hear that sound,你是否听到我的声音 你是否听到我的呐喊 like a thunder’s gonna shake your ground。犹如一道闪电 欲把你打入地狱

    u held me down, but i got up,你急切想要压制我 但我不会屈服 get ready cuz i’ve had enough。做好起义准备 因我已无法忍受

    i see it all, i see it now。(阳光大秦)我已看穿全局 看清局势

    i got the eye of the tiger, of fire, dancing through the fire。我的猛虎之眼目光炯炯 浴火重生满腔热忱

    cause i’m the champion and you’re gonna hear me roar~我就是无敌勇士 你将听到我咆哮统领四方

    louder, louder than a lion,响彻云霄 堪比雄狮怒吼 cause i’m the champion。

    and you’re gonna hear me roar~oh*n我就是百兽之王 你能亲耳听到我的咆哮之声

    you’re gonna hear me roar~oh*n咆哮之声震破你的耳膜

    you’re gonna hear me roar~

    roari got the eye of the tiger, of fire, dancing through the fire。我的猛虎之眼目光炯炯 浴火重生满腔热忱

    cuz i’m the champion and you’re gonna hear me roar~我就是无敌勇士 你将听到我咆哮统领四方

    louder, louder than a lion,响彻云霄 堪比雄狮怒吼 cause i’m the champion。

    and you’re gonna hear me roar~oh*n我就是百兽之王 你能亲耳听到我的咆哮之声

    you’re gonna hear me roar~oh*n咆哮之声震破你的耳膜

    you’ll hear me roar! 你会听到我的咆哮”


    还跳上了一段舞蹈,让观众不禁的尖叫起来:“曼珠沙华!曼珠沙华!”“i love you ”“永远挺你”





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