大部分吸血鬼学院都是所夜间学校,因为那里的吸血鬼都是低等的,不能受强光照射,但alice beauty的吸血鬼都是贵族,纯种吸血鬼,或是某种力量非常强大的吸血鬼
毒妻不好当)。。。。今天是要去alice beauty的吧,别迟到了”岚兮从床上爬了起来,揉了揉眼睛,下床洗漱后,就开始挑衣服了“嗯?校服嘞~嗯让我找找,啊哈,找到了”镜子面前站着一个绝美的少女,虽然穿的是普通的校服,但有致的身材,长发飘飘及腰一双纤手皓肤如玉,便如透明一般,这个女孩站在那里的感觉,就像是有一股清新的芬芳在整个室内悄然的散开,给予人一种清新美丽。(
“i'm just a little bit caught in the middle
life is a maze, and love is a riddle
i don't know where to go
can't do it alone
i've tried, but i don't know why
slow it down, make it stop
or else my heart is going to pop
cause its to much, yea its alot
to be something i'm not
i'm a fool, out of love
cause i just can't get enough
i'm just a little bit caught in the middle
life is a maze, and love is a riddle
i don't know where to go
can't do it alone
i've tride, but i don't know why
i'm just a little girl lost in the moment
i'm so scared but i don't show it
i can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
i know, i've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show”唱歌是岚兮的一大爱好,在她难过的时候,替她分忧的往往是歌声