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正文 Chapter II A Dog’s Tale(2)

本章节来自于 万花筒(人性多面性) http://www.lishu123.com/90/90007/
    (神医狂妃)(泡妞低手)(灵域)(绝品厨娘)(谋妃当道)(都市重生之独宠千年妻)wheas well grown,last, i was sold and taken away, anever sawwas broken hearted, andwas i, andcried; but she fortedas wellshe could, and saidwere sent into this world foise and good purpose, and mustour duties without repining, take our lifewe might find it, livefor the best goodothers, and never mind about the results; they were not our affair.

    she said men who did like this would havoble and beautiful rewardandin another world, and althoughanimals would notthere,do well and right without reward would giveour brief liveorthiness and dignity whichitself would had gathered these things from timetime when she had goo the sunday school with the children, and had laid themin her memory more carefully than she had done with those other words and phrases; and she had studied them deeply, for her goodmay seethis that she haise and thoughtful head, for all there wasmuch lightness and vanityit.

    sosaid our farewells, and looked our last upon each other through our tears; and the last thing she said keepingfor the lastmakerememberthe better, i think was, “in memoryme, when therea timedangeranothernot thinkyourself, thinkyour mother, andas she would do.”

    do you thinould fet that?no.

    m.pi.co (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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