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EXO之流星划过天空 第六章 见到李秀满老师!

本章节来自于 EXO之流星划过天空 http://www.lishu123.com/91/91978/
    【谢谢!你换好衣服了!】梦怡接过水喝了一口,想到部队过目不忘的训练真有效!【换好了!你真厉害,记得真快!】赵权说 【额,可以走了吗?】梦怡对他所说的话彻底无视掉了!【嗯!俊绵你们去吗?】世勋很想去,看看这个梦怡的表演!就一脸可怜兮兮的看着绵妈妈!【去吧!】绵麻麻受不了世勋可怜目光便同意了!梦怡一脸震惊和无奈!(冰菏:小姐你是怎么把这两种表情结合在一块的?好奇状。(绝品厨娘)梦怡:就是面无表情!冰菏:。。。。。。)【那走吧!】梦怡冷冷道。【梦怡你坐哪辆车?】chen问【随便!】我怎么知道坐那辆车?【和我座!】世勋说【那上车吧!】梦怡坐上了k队的车,从背包里拿出平板电脑,玩起游戏来!他们也上车了【梦怡你在玩什么?】【平板,要玩吗?】【嗯!嗯!】梦怡把平板给了世勋,世勋很开心的玩了起来!梦怡看向了其他的五个人,嘟嘟在看世勋,绵麻麻在看路边的人,灿灿和白白在玩很高级的游戏那就是————石头剪刀布,kai在睡觉!梦怡刚把眼睛闭上,就感觉有很多灼热的目光在看着自己【看够了吗?】梦怡说了一句话,把其他六个人吓了一跳因为他们真的在看梦怡!{m队车上}【你说梦怡是怎样一个人呢?】tao【不知道!】chen六个人陷入了沉思!





    wake up in the morning feeling like p diddy

    grab my glasses, im out the door -

    im gonna hit this city

    before i leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of jack

    cause when i leave for the night, i aint coming back

    im talkin' bout - pedicures on our toes, toes

    trying on all our clothes, clothes

    boys blowing up our phones, phones

    drop-topping, playing our favorite cd‘s

    pulling up to the parties

    trying to get a little bit tipsy

    don’t stop, make it pop

    dj, blow my speakers up

    tonight, imamfight

    tilwe see the sunlight

    tick tock, on the clock

    but the party don“t stop no

    wo ah-oh oh oh

    wo ah-oh oh oh

    dont stop, make it pop

    dj, blow my speakers up

    tonight, imma fight

    til we see the sunlight

    tick tock, on the clock

    but the party dont stop no

    woah-oh oh oh

    woah-oh oh oh

    aint got a care in world, but got plenty of beer

    aint got no money in my pocket, but im already here

    now, the dudes are liningup cause they hear we got swagger

    but we kick em to the curb unless they look like mick jagger

    im talkin' bout - everybody getting crunk, crunk

    boys tryna touch my junk, junk

    gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk

    now, now - we goin til they kick us out, out

    or the police shut us down, down

    police shut us down, down

    po-po shut us -

    dont stop, make it pop

    dj, blow my speakers up

    tonight, ima fight

    til we see the sunlight

    tick tock, on the clock

    but the party dont stop no

    woah-oh oh oh

    woah-oh oh oh

    dont stop, make it pop

    dj, blow my speakers up

    tonight, imma fight

    til we see the sunlight

    tick tock, on the clock

    but the party dont stop no

    woah-oh oh oh

    woah-oh oh oh

    you build me up

    you break me down

    my heart, it pounds

    yeah, you got me

    with my hands up

    you got me now

    you got that sound

    yeah, you got me

    you build me up

    you break me down

    my heart, it pounds

    yeah, you got me

    with my hands up

    put your hands up

    put your hands up

    no, the party dont start till i walk in

    dont stop, make it pop

    dj, blow my speakers up

    tonight, imma fight

    til we see the sunlight

    tick tock, on the clock

    but the party dont stop no

    woah-oh oh oh

    woah-oh oh oh

    dont stop, make it pop

    dj, blow my speakers up

    tonight, imma fight

    til we see the sunlight

    tick tock, on the clock

    but the party dont stop no

    woah-oh oh oh

    woah-oh oh oh


    (冰菏:这首歌超级好听,希望大家听一听。(斗破苍穹之穿越轮回)(绝宠腹黑妃)(大天王)(风骚重生传)梦怡:好听!真好听!累死我了!冰菏:切) (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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