一剑平天) 【啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!】这叫声是梦怡的【梦怡你怎么了?】鹿晗【没事!吴亦凡你再不起床我就把硫酸倒在你脸上,让你毁容!】梦怡说着顺手拿起一瓶水【最后问一遍起还是不起!】床上的人没动静,梦怡没有耐心了打开水就要泼【停!我起床!】吴亦凡妥协了【哦!kai呢?】梦遗把瓶盖盖上【在你的尖叫声中起床了!】嘟嘟【哦!我们先走了出来吃饭!】吴亦凡满脸黑线梦怡出门了【你刚才叫是怎么回事!】绵麻麻问【叫他起床顺便练一下高音,一举两得!】众人黑线【一举两得是什么意思?】灿灿问【额~~~我去吃饭白白和我一起!】梦怡拉着白白就跑了【喂!到底是什么意思!】灿灿跑了过来【我解释一遍就一遍,你做一件事得到两方面的好处!明白了!】【明白了!】【吃饭!】大家安安静静的吃饭【问个问题,吴亦凡床上的羊驼是什么?】梦怡【粉丝送的!】世勋【哦~~他很宝贝它?】【嗯!】chen【好了,我吃饱了你们吃完饭叫我。(
magine me without you
as long as stars shine down from heaven
and the rivers run into the sea
til the end of time forever
you are the only love i'll need
in my life you're all that matters
in my eyes the only truth i see
when my hopes and dreams have shattered
you're the one that's there for me
when i found you i was blessed
and i will never leave you i need you
imagine me without you
i'd be lost and so confused
i wouldn't last a day i'd be afraid
without you there to see me through
imagine me without you
lord you know it's just impossible
because of you it's all brand new
my life is now worthwhile
i can't imagine me without you
when you caught me i was falling
you're love lifted me back on my feet
it was like you heard me calling
and you rush to set me free
when i found you i was blessed
and i will never leave you i need you
imagine me without you
i'd be lost and so confused
i wouldn't last a day i'd be afraid
without you there to see me through
imagine me without you
lord you know it's just impossible
because of you it's all brand new
my life is now worthwhile
i can't imagine me without you
when i found you i was blessed
and i will never leave you i need you oh
i'd be lost and so confused
i wouldn't last a day
without you there to see me through
(imagine me without you
because of you it's all brand new
my life is now worthwhile
i can't imagine me
i can't imagine me without you