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本章节来自于 她和他的贵爵青春 http://www.lishu123.com/93/93814/

    “dear, you finally come back, i'm waiting for you for a long time!(亲爱的,你终于肯回来了,我可是等了你好久呐!)”莫里·罗宾轻轻抱住了靳语因。

    “how do you?(你又怎么了?)”

    “i'm very normal ah, when you leave the united states days -- hey, don't look at me like that, i know you not only to the united states, but do you understand, my dear daughter, i hit a big trouble(我很正常啊,在你离开美国的日子里——喂,别用那种眼神看着我,我知道你不久前才来过美国,但是你明白吗,我亲爱的女儿,我碰上了一个大麻烦!)”莫里·罗宾的脸上落出了一种心有余悸的神情。他与靳语因长得有七分像,同样精致的眉眼,同样颜色的眼珠,只不过靳语因的墨蓝色眼珠更加深邃而神秘,而他的墨蓝色眼珠里却总是有着让人捉摸不透的雾气。

    “i listen to you from china spent seventeen hours on the plane to fly to the united states to hear you complain a lot of your own trouble here, i was really stupid home ah。(我听你的话从中国花了十七个小时坐飞机飞到美国来就是为了听你在这里抱怨一大堆你自己惹上的麻烦,我还真是傻到家了啊。)”靳语因不耐烦的瞥了一眼莫里·罗宾。

    “oh, my dear, to hear you say you 'ridiculous' really is a spectacle of eight hundred years is difficult to meet ah, i really regret why didn't you just those words recorded to your brother --(啊,亲爱的,能听到你说自己‘傻到家了’还真是八百年都难遇的奇景啊,我真后悔为什么没有把你刚才的那段话录下来发给你哥哥——)”触及到靳语因危险的眼神,莫里·罗宾咽了口口水,转换了话题,“so dear, recently the world's second entrepreneurs son held ”adult ceremony” what, oh, gosh, that ceremony real --(是这样的亲爱的,最近世界第二企业家的小儿子举办了什么”成人典礼“,哦,天哪,那场典礼真是——)”

    “请你跟我解释一下你在电话里跟我讲的‘i tell you, it was a wonderful dinner, well · · ·, specifically how to say? as china two thousand two hundred and nineteen years ago, a party to a named liu bang and a man named xiang yu to open, as if what is called ”banquet”。’到底是什么东西?”靳语因也懒得将那一长串不伦不类的东西好好整理一下再说出来了,直接复述了一遍。

    “the ah, that is their home -- or the little son -- in the next week's engagement party。 i can't believe, the constitution of the united states would allow a children under the age of sixteen years and a maximum of fifteen year old girls engagement, the world is increasingly not reliable。(那个呀,那是他们家——还是那个小儿子——在下周即将举行的订婚宴。真是不敢相信,美国的宪法居然允许一个未满十六周岁的小孩和一个最多十五岁的女生订婚吗,这个世界真是越来越不靠谱了。)”到最后,罗宾先生似乎是在思考着自己的最后一句话,然后又加上了一句,“my dear, and i speak please use english well, first english is your native language, english is the common language in the world, in addition, if you always say chinese will make me doubt your english level eight certificate is where the。(亲爱的,以后和我说话的时候请使用英文好吗,首先英语才是你的母语,英语也是全世界通行的语言,另外,如果你总是说中文会让我怀疑你那张英语八级的证书是哪来的。)”


    “well, even if you do not speak english。(好吧,你不说英语就算了。)”罗宾先生自言自语地说了一句,“i unfortunately will provide wedding invitations to take home, actually is not i want to back home, their home is hard fortress to me, said that must support。(我很不幸的将订婚宴的邀请函带回家来了,其实也不是我要带回来的,是他们家的家主硬要塞给我的,还说一定要捧场啊。)”


    “yes, it was said that yes, but --(是的,当时是那么说的没错,可是——)”


    “yes, but i told him i really can't go off, and then -- and i recommend you, what i can get my dear daughter。(是的,但是我向他推脱我实在不能去,然后——我又推荐了你,我什么事都能搞定的亲爱的女儿。)”莫里·罗宾说完这句话之后立马消失在了靳语因眼前,如果某人不爽的话,很有可能会来一个漂亮的过肩摔。


    【国庆快乐!(有点迟了)】 (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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