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正文 Chapter I Little Daffydowndilly

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    daffydowndilly wascalled becausehis natureresemblelower, and loveddo only what was beautiful and agreeable, and tookdelightlaboran, while daffydowndilly was yeittle boy, his mother sent him away from his pleasant home, and put him under the carea very strict schoolmaster, who wentthe namemr.  who knew him best affirmed that this mr. toil waery worthy character; and thathad done more good, bothchildren and grown people, than anybody elsethhad lived long enoughdreat dealgood; for,all storiestrue,had dwelt upon earth ever since adam was driven from the gardeneden.

    nevertheless, mr. toil haevere and ugly countenance, especially for such little boysbig menwere inclinedbe idle; his voice, too, was harsh; and all his ways and customs seemed very disagreeableour frien whole day long, this terrible old schoolmaster sathis desk overlooking the scholars,stalked about the school room witertain awful birch rodhi camap over the shouldersa boy whom mr. toil had caughtplay; nowpunishehole class who were behindhand with their lessons; and,short, unlesad choseattend quietly and constantlyhis book,hadchanceenjoyinuiet momentthe school roommr. toil.

    “this will neverfor me,” thought daffydowndilly.

    now, the wholedaffydowndilly’s life had hitherto been passed with his dear mother, who hauch sweeter face than old mr. toil, and who had always been very indulgenther littl wonder, therefore, that poor daffydowndilly founda woful change,be sent away from the good lady’s side, and put under the carethis ugly visaged schoolmaster, who never gave him any applescakes, and seemedthink that little boys were created onlyget lessons.

    “i can’t bearany longer,” said daffydowndillyhimself, whenhad beenschool aboueek.“i’ll run away, and tryfinddear mother; and,any rate, i shall never find anybody halfdisagreeablethis old mr. toil!”

    so, the very next morning, off started poor daffydowndilly, and began his rambles about the world, with only some bread and cheese for his breakfast, and very little pocket moneypayhe had gone onlhort distance, whenovertooangrave and sedate appearance, who was trudginga moderate pace along the road.

    “good morning,fine lad,” said the stranger; and his voice seemed hard and severe, but yet haortkindnessit; “whenceyou eearly, and whither are you going?”

    little daffydowndilly waoyvery ingenuous disposition, and had never been knownteliealldidtellhesitateomenttwo, but finally confessed thathad run away from school,accounthis great dislikemr. toil; and thatwas resolvedfind some placethe world whereshould never seehearthe old schoolmaster again.

    “o, very well,little friend!” answered the stranger.“thenwilltogether; for i, likewise, have haood dealdo with mr. toil, and shouldgladfind some place wherewas never heard of.”

    our friend daffydowndilly would have been better pleased witompanionhis own age, with whommight have gathered flowers along the roadside,have chased butterflies,have done many other thingsmake the journehad wisdom enoughunderstand thatshould get along through the world much easierhavinanexperienceshow himhe accepted the stranger’s proposal, and they walkedvery sociably together.

    they had not gone far, when the road passeda field where some haymakers werework, mowing down the tall grass, and spreadingoutthe suas delighted with the sweet smellthe new mown grass, and thought how much pleasantermustto make haythe sunshine, under the blue sky, and with the birds singing sweetlythe neighboring trees and bushes, thanbe shutiismal school room, learning lessons all day long, and continually scoldedold mr. ,the midstthese thoughts, whilewas stoppingpeep over the stone wall,started back and caught holdhis panion’s hand.

    “quick, quick!” cried he.“letrun away,he will catch us!”

    “who will catch us?” asked the stranger.

    “mr. toil, the old schoolmaster!” answered daffydowndilly.“don’t you see him amongst the haymakers?”

    and daffydowndilly pointedan elderly man, who seemedbe the ownerthe field, and the employerthe menwor had stripped off his coat and waistcoat, and was busilyworkhis shir dropssweat stood upon his brow; butgave himself nooment’s rest, and kept crying outthe haymakersmake hay while the su, strangesay, the figure and featuresthis old farmer were precisely the samethoseold mr. toil, who,that very moment, must have been just entering his school room.

    “don’tafraid,” said the stranger.“thisnot mr. toil the schoolmaster, burotherhis, who was brearmer; and people sayis the most disagreeable manth,won’t trouble you, unless you beaborerthe farm.”

    little daffydowndilly believed what his panion said, but was very glad, nevertheless, when they were outsightthe old farmer, who bore sucingular resemblancemr.  two travellers had gone but little farther, when they camea spot where some carpenters were erecting  begged his panionstooment; forwaery pretty sightsee how neatly the carpenters did their work, with their broad axes, and saws, and planes, and hammers, shaping out the doors, and puttingthe window sashes, and nailingthe clapboards; andcould not help thinking thatshould liketakroad axe, a saw, a plane, anammer, and builittle housethen, whenshould havousehis own, old mr. toil would never daremolest him.

    but, just whilewas delighting himself with this idea, little daffydowndilly beheld something that made him catch holdhis panion’s hand, alla fright.

    “mak, quick!” cried he.“thereis again!”

    “who?” asked the stranger, very quietly.

    “old mr. toil,” said daffydowndilly, trembling.“there!thatoverseeing the carpenters.’tmy old schoolmaster,surei’m alive!”

    the stranger cast his eyes where daffydowndilly pointed his finger; andsawelderly man, witarpenter’s rule and passeshi person wentand fro about the unfinished house, measuring piecestimber, and marking out the work that wasbe done, and continually exhorting the other carpentersb whereverturned his hard and wrinkled visage, the men seemedfeel that they haask master over them, and sawed, and hammered, and planed,if for dear life.

    “o no! thisnot mr. toil, the schoolmaster,” said the stranger.“itanother brotherhis, who follows the tradecarpenter.”

    “ivery gladhear it,” quoth daffydowndilly; “butyou please, sir, i should likeget outhis waysoonpossible.”

    then they wenta little farther, and soon heard the sounda drumprickedhis earsthis, and besought his panionhurry forward, that they might not miss seeing th, they made what haste they could, and soon meompanysoldiers, gayly dressed, with beautiful featherstheir caps, and bright musketsthei front marched two drummers and two fifers, beatingtheir drums and playingtheir fifes with might and main, and making such lively music that little daffydowndilly would gladly have followed themthe endthhe was onloldier, then,saidhimself, old mr. toil would never venturelook himthe face.

    “quick step! forward march!” shouteruff voice.

    little daffydowndilly started,great dismay; for this voice which had spokenthe soldiers sounded precisely the samethat whichhad heard every daymr. toil’s school room, outmr. toil’s ow, turning his eyesthe captainthe pany, what shouldsee but the very imageold mr. toil himself, witmart cap and featherhis head, a pairgold epauletshis shoulders, a laced coathis back, a purple sash round his waist, anong sword, insteada birch rod,hi thoughheld his headhigh, and strutted likurkey cock, stilllooked quiteugly and disagreeablewhenwas hearing lessonsthe schoolroom.

    “thiscertainly old mr. toil,” said daffydowndilly,a trembling voice.“letrun away, for fearshould makeenlisthis pany!”

    “you are mistaken again,little friend,” replied the stranger, very posedly.“thisnot mr. toil, the schoolmaster, burotherhis, who has servedthe army allsay he’erribly severe fellow; but you aneed notafraidhim.”

    “well, well,” said little daffydowndilly, “but,you please, sir, i don’t wantsee the soldiers any more.”

    so the child and the stranger resumed their journey; and,and by, they camea housethe roadside, wherumberpeople were makin men and rosy checked girls, with smilestheir faces, were dancingthe sound was the pleasantest sight that daffydowndilly had yet met with, andforted him for all his disappointments.

    “o, letstop here,” criedto his panion; “for mr. toil will never dareshow his face where therea fiddler, and where people are dancing and makin shallquite safe here!”

    but these last words died away upon daffydowndilly’s tongue; for, happeningcast his eyesthe fiddler, whom shouldbehold again, but the likenessmr. toil, holdiniddle bow insteada birch rod, and flourishingwithmuch ease and dexterityifhad beeiddler all his life!he had somewhat the aira frenchman, but still looked exactly like the old schoolmaster; and daffydowndilly even fancied thatnodded and winkedhim, and made signs for himjointhe dance.

    “o dear me!” whispered he, turning pale.“it seemsif there was nobody but mr. toilth could have thoughthis playinga fiddle!”

    “thisnot your old schoolmaster,” observed the stranger, “but another brotherhis, who was bredfrance, wherelearned the professionashamedhis family, and generally calls himself monsieurplaisir; but his real nametoil, and those who have known him best think him still more disagreeable than his brothers.”

    “pray letgittle farther,” said daffydowndilly.“i don’t like the looksthis fiddlerall.”

    well, thus the stranger and little daffydowndilly went wandering along the highway, andshady lanes, and through pleasant villages; and whithersoever they went, behold! there was the imageold mr.  stood likcarecrowth they entereouse,satthe parlor;they peeped into the kitchen,wa made himselfhomeevery cottage, and stole, under one disguiseanother, into the most splendi there was surebe somebody wearing the likenessmr. toil, and who,the stranger affirmed, was onethe old schoolmaster’s innumerable brethren.

    little daffydowndilly was almost tireddeath, whenperceived some people reclining lazilya shady place,the sideth poor child entreated his panion that they might sit down there, and take some repose.

    “old mr. toil will never e here,” said he; “forhatessee people taking their ease.”

    but, even whilespoke, daffydowndilly’s eyes fell upoerson who seemed the laziest, and heaviest, and most torpidall those lazy and heavy and torpid people who had lain downsleepth shouldbe, again, but the very imagemr. toil!

    “therea large familythese toils,” remarked the stranger.“thisanotherthe old schoolmaster’s brothers, who was breditaly, whereacquired very idle habits, and goesthe namesignorpretendsleadeasy life, butreally the most miserable fellowthe family.”

    “o, takeback! takeback!” cried poor little daffydowndilly, bursting into tears.“if therenothing but toil all the world over, i may justwellbackthe school house!”

    “yonderis, therethe school house!” said the stranger; for thoughand little daffydowndilly had takereat many steps, they had travelleda circle, insteada straight line.“e;willbackschool together.”

    there was somethinghis panion’s voice that little daffydowndilly now remembered; andis strange thathad not remembered iinto his face, behold! there again was the likenessold mr. toil;that the poor child had beenpany with toil all day, even whilewas doing his bestrun away fro people,whoave told little daffydowndilly’s story, areopinion that old mr. toil waagician, and possessed the powermultiplying himself intomany shapeshe saw fit.

    be thisit may, little daffydowndilly had learneood lesson, and from that time forward was diligenthis task, becauseknew that diligencenohit more toilsome than sporhenbecame better acquainted with mr. toil,beganthink that his ways were notvery disagreeable, and that the old schoolmaster’s smileapprobation made his face almostpleasanteven thatdaffydowndilly’s mother.

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