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正文 Chapter 1 The Double Pins

本章节来自于 凋零后被代替(短暂的爱情) http://www.lishu123.com/90/90082/
    www.shanxijiaxiao.com欢喜记)(吉林小说网)(神医狂妃)(无良神医)(腹黑嫡女:绝色小医妃)by guymaupassant

    “ah;dear fellow, what jades women are!”

    “what makes you say that?”

    “because they have playedan abominable trick.”


    “yes, me.”

    “women,a woman?”

    “two women.”

    “two womenonce?”


    “what was the trick?”

    the two young men were sitting outsidafethe boulevards, and drinking liquors mixed with water, those aperients which look like infusionsall the shadesa boxwate were nearly the same age, twenty fivas dark and the other fair, and they had the same semi elegant lookstock jobbers,men whoto the stock exchange, and into drawing rooms, who arebe seen everywhere, who live everywhere, and lov dark one  told youmy connection with that little woman, a tradesman’s wife, whoetthe beachdieppe?”


    “my dear fellow, you know  haistressparis, whooved dearly;old friend, a good friend, andhas grown intabit,fact, analueverymuch.”

    “your habit.”

    “yes,habit, and hermarriedan excellent man, wholso value very much, a very cordia panion!i may say,i think thatlifeboundwith that house.”


    “well! they could not manageleave paris, anound myselidowerdieppe.”

    “why did youto dieppe?”

    “for changannot remainthe boulevards the whole time.”

    “and then?”

    “theet the little womaentionedyouthe beach there.”

    “the wifethat headthe public office?”

    “yes; she was dreadfully dull; her husband only came every sunday, andis horrible!i understand her perfectly, andlaughed and danced together.”

    “and the rest?”

    “yes, but thatcam,met,liked eac heiked her, and she maderepeat it,that she might understandbetter, and she putobstaclesmy way.”

    “did you love her?”

    “yes, a little; shevery nice.”

    “and what about the other?”

    “the other wasin paris!well, for six weekswas very pleasant, andreturned herethe besou know howbreak witoman, when that woman has not wronged youany way?”

    “yes, perfectly well.”

    “howyou manage it?”

    “i give her up.”


    “inot see her any longer.”

    “but supposing she esyou?”

    “i am... nothome.”


    “i say inot well.”

    “if she looks after you?”

    “i play her some dirty trick.”

    “andshe putswith it?”

    “i writeher husband anonymous letters,thatmay look after herthe days thaxpect her.”

    “thatserious!i cannot resist, andnot know howbring abouupture, andi havollectiore some whom inot see more than oncear, others every ten months, othersthose days when they wantdinea restaurant, those whoave putregular intervalsnot worry me, buften have great difficulty with the fresh ones,askeep themat proper intervals.”

    “and then....”

    “and then... then, this little woman was all fire and flame, without any faultmine,i told you!as her husband spends all the whole dayhis office, she beganeme unexpectedly, and twice she nearly metregular onethe stairs.”

    “the devil!”

    “yes;igave eachthem her days, regular days,avoid confusion; saturday and monday for the old one, tuesday, friday and sunday for the new one.”

    “why did you show her the preference?”

    “ah!my dear friend, sheyounger.”

    “so that only gave you two daysyourselfa week.”

    “thatenough for one.”

    “allowto pliment youthat.”

    “well, just fancy that the most ridiculous and most annoying thingthe world  four months everything had been goingperfectly; i felt perfectly safe, anas really very happy, when suddenly, last monday, the crash came.

    “i was expectingregular onethe usual time, a quarter past one, and was smokinood cigar, and dreaming, very well satisfied with myself, wheuddenly saw thatwas past the time,whicas much surprised, for shevery punctual, buhought that something might have accidentally delaye, halfhour passed, thenhour,hour analf, and thenew that something must have detained her; a sick headache, perhaps,some annoyin sortwaitingvery vexatious, that... useless waiting... very annoyinglast, i mademy mindgo out, and not knowing whatdo, i wenther and found her readinovel.”

    “well!” i saidher.

    and she replied quite calmly:

    “my deaould not e; i was hindered.”


    “my... something else.”

    “what was it?

    “a very annoying visit.”

    “i saw that she would not tellthe true reason, andshe was very calm, i did not trouble myself any more about it, and hopedmakefor lost time with the other, the next day, andthe tuesday, i was very... very excited, and amorousexpectationthe public official’s little wife, anas surprised that she had not e before the appointed time, anookedthe clock every moment, and watched the hands impatiently, but the quarter past, then the half hour, then two o’ could not sit still any longer, and walkedand down very soongreat strides, puttingface against the window, andearsthe door,listen whether she was not ing upstairs.”

    “half past two, three o’clock!i seizedhat, and rushedhe was readinoveldear fellow!‘well!’i said, anxiously, and she repliedcalmlyusual:‘i was hindered, and could not e.’

    “‘by what?’

    “‘an annoying visit.’

    “of course, i immediately thought that they both knew everything, but she seemedcalm and quiet, thaet asidesuspicions, and thoughtwas only some strange coincidence,i could not believesuch dissimulationher part, and so, after halfhour’s friendly talk, which was, however, interrupteozen timesher little girl ingand outth away, very muc imagihe next day....”

    “the same thing happened?”

    “yes, and thenex that wentfor three weeks without any explanation, without anything explaining that strange conductme, the secretwhicuspected, however.”

    “they knew everything?”

    “i should think so, b how?ah!i hareat dealanxiety beforoundout.”

    “how did you manageat last?”

    “from their letters, forthe same day they both gavetheir dismissalidentical terms.”


    “thishowwas....you know that women always havearraypins abou hairpins, i doubt them, and look after them, but the others are much more treacherous; those confounded little black headed pins which look all alikeus, great fools thatare, but which they can distinguish, justwe can distinguisorse froog.

    “well,appears that one dayminister’s little wife left onethose tell tale instruments pinnedthe paper, closemy lookin usual one had immediately seen this little black speck,bigger thalea, and had takenout without sayinord, and then had left oneher pins, which was also black, buta different pattern,the same place.

    “the next day, the minister’s wife wishedrecover her property, and immediately recognizedher suspicions were aroused, and she puttwo and crossed them, andoriginal one repliedthis telegraphic signalthree black pellets, onethe topthe other, andsoonthis method had begun, they continuedmunicate with one another, without sayinord, onlyspyeacappears that the regular one, being bolder, wrappeiny piecepaper round the little wire point, and wrote upon it:c. d., poste restante, boulevards, malherbes.

    “then theywroteeac understand that was not everything that passed betwee setwork with precaution, withousand stratagems, with all the prudence thatnecessarysuch cases, but the regular one diold stroke, and madeappointment withnot know what they saideach other; all thanow is, thaadpay the coststhei you haveall!”

    “is that all?”


    “and younot see them any more?”

    “i beg you themas friends, forhave not quarreled altogether.”

    “and have they met again?”

    “yes,dear fellow, they have bee intimate friends.”

    “and has not that given youidea?”

    “no, what idea?”

    “you greatbooby!the idea ofmaking them put back the pins where they found them.”

    m.pi.co (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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