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正文 Chapter 1 Hell Gate

本章节来自于 一路向西(历险记) http://www.lishu123.com/90/90101/
    (鬼王的毒妾)(阳光大秦)(猎色花都)(妖妃有点狂)(龙印战神)(绝品高手)by washington irving

    about six miles from the renowned citythe manhattoes, andthat sound,armthe sea, which passes between the main land and nassaulong island, therea narrow strait, where the currentviolently pressed between shouldering promontories, and horribly irritated and perplexedrocksat the besttimeery violent, hasty current, its takes these impedimentsmighty dudgeon; boilingwhirlpools; brawling and frettingripples and breakers; and,short, indulgingall kindswrong-heade such times, woeany unlucky vessel that ventures within its clutches.

    this termagant humorsaidprevail onlyhal low waterispacificany othe the tide rises,beginsfret;half tiderages and roarsif bellowing for more water; but when the tidefullrelapses again into quiet, and foime seems almostsleepsoundlyan alderman afte mayparedan inveterate hard drinker, whoa peaceable fellow enough whenhasliquorall,whenhakin full, but when half seas over plays the very devil.

    this mighty, blustering, bullying little strait walacegreat difficulty and dangerthe dutch navigatorsancient days; hectoring their tub-built barksa most unruly style; whirling them about,a mannermake any buutchman giddy, and not unfrequently stranding them upon rocksoutsheer spleen they denominatedhellegat (literally hell gut) and solemnly gaveoverth appellation has since been aptly rendered into englishthe namehell gate; and into nonsensethe namehurl gate, accordingcertain foreign intruders who neither understood dutchst. nicholas confound them!

    from this straitthe citythe manhattoes the bordersthe sound are greatly diversified;one part,the eastern shorethe islandmanhata and opposite blackwell’s island, being very much broken and indentedrocky nooks, overhung with trees which give theild and romantic look.

    the flux and refluxthe tide through this partthe soundextremely rapid, and the navigation troublesome,reasonthe whirling eddies and counte this from experience, having been mucha navigatorthese small seasmy boyhood, and having more than once run the riskshipwreck and drowningthe coursedivers holiday voyages,whichmon with the dutch urchinas rather prone.

    in the midstthis perilous strait, and harda grouprocks called “the hen and chickens,” there laymy boyish days the wrecka vessel which had been entangledthe whirlpools and stranded during  was some wild story about this being the wrecka pirate, andsome bloody murder, connected with it, whicannot no, the desolate lookthis forlorn hulk, and the fearful place wherelay rotting, were sufficientawaken strange notions concerning it.a rowtimber heads, blackenedtime, peered above the surfacehigh water; butlow tidonsiderable partthe hull was bare, and its great ribstimbers, partly strippedtheir planks, looked like the skeletonsomewas also the stumpa mast, witew ropes and blocks swinging about and whistlingthe wind, while the sea gull wheeled and screamed around this melancholy carcass.

    the stories connected with this wreck madean objectgreat awemy boyish fancy; buttruth the whole neighborhood was fullfable and romance for me, abounding with traditions about pirates, hobgoblins, and burirewmore mature yearade many researches after the truththese strange traditions; foave always beeurious investigatorthe valuable, but obscure branchesthe historymy nativ infinite difficulty, however,arrivingany precis seekingdigone factis incredible the numberfables whicnearthed; for the whole coursethe sound seemedmy younger daysbe like the straitspylorusyore, the very regionfiction.

    i will say nothingthe devil’s stepping stones,which that arch fiend made his retreat from connecticutlong island, seeing that the subjectlikelybe learnedly treateda worthy friend and contemporary historian whoave furnished with particular wilay anythingthe black mana three-cornered hat, seatedthe sterna jolly boat who usedbe seen about hell gatestormy weather; and who wentthe namethe pirate’s spuke,pirate’s ghost, becausever could meet with any personstanch credibility who professedhave seen this spectrum; unlesswere the widowmanus conklin, the blacksmithfrog’s neck, but then, poor woman, she waittle purblind, and might have been mistaken; though they said she saw farther than other folksth this, however, was but little satisfactoryregardthe talesburied money about whicas most curious; and the following was all thaould foong time collect that had anything likeairauthenticity.

    foery interesting accountthe devil and his stepping stones, see the learned memoir read before the new york historical society since the deathmr. knickerbocker,his friend,eminant juristthe place.

    m.pi.co (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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