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正文 Chapter 1 The Seven Swabians

本章节来自于 一路向西(历险记) http://www.lishu123.com/90/90101/
    (八荒神诀)(官路红颜)(误入贼船)(穿梭时空的商人)(出魂记)(绝世风华之至尊召唤师)by brother green

    seven swabians were onc first was master schulz; the second, jackli; the third, marli; the fourth, jergli; the fifth, michal; the sixth, hans; the seventh, veitli: all seven had madetheir mindstravel about the worldseek adventures, and perform greaorder that they mightin security and with armstheir hands, they thoughtwouldadvisable that they should have one solitary, but very strong, and very long spear madespear all seventhem tooktheir handsonce;front walked the boldest and bravest, and that was master schulz; all the others followeda row, and veitli wasit camepass one daythe hay-making month (july), when they had walkeong distance, and still haong waygo before they reached the village where they werepass the night, thatthey werea meadowthe twilighreat beetlehor flewthem from behinush, and hummeda menacing manner.

    master schulz wasterrified thatall but dropped the spear, anold perspiration broke out over his whole body.“hark! hark!” criedto his rades, “good heavens! i hearum.”jackli, who was behind him holding the spear, and who perceived some kinda smell, said, “somethingmost certainly going on, foaste powder and matches.”at these words master schulz begantakeflight, anda trice jumped oveedge, buthe just happenedjumpto the teetha rake which had been left lying there after the hay-making.

    the handleit struck against his face and gave hiremendous blow.“oh dear!dear!” screamed master schulz.“takeprisoner; i surrender! i surrender!”the other six all leapt over, onethe topthe other, crying, “if you surrender, i surrender too!if you surrender, i surrender too!”at length,no enemy was therebind and take them away, they saw that they had been mistaken, andorder that the story might notknown, and theytreatedfools and ridiculed, they all sworeeach otherhold their peace aboutuntil onethem accidentally  they journeye second danger which they survived cannotpared withdays afterwards, their path led them througallow-field wherare was sitting sleepingthe sun.

    her ears were standing straight up, and her great glassy eyes were widthem were alarmedthe sightthe horrible wild beast, and they consulted togetherto whatwouldthe least  wererun away, they knew that the monster would pursue and swallow the they said, “we mustthrougreat and dangerou ventured,half won,” and all seven grasped the spear, master schulzfront, and veitl schulz was always tryingkeep the spear back, but veitli had bee quite brave while behind, and wanteddash forward and cried,

    “strike home,every swabian’s name,elsishmaylame.”

    but hans knew howmeet this, and said,

    “thunder and lightning, it’s fio prate, but for dragon-hunting thou’rt aye too late.”

    michal cried,

    “nothingwanting, not eveair,sure the devil himselfthere.”

    thenwas jergli’s turnspeak,

    “ifbe not, it’sleast his mother,else it’s the devil’s own step-brother.”

    and now marli haright thought, and saidveitli,

    “advance, veitli, advance, advance, anehind will hold the lance.”

    veitli, however, did not attendthat, and jackli said,

    “tis schulz’s place the firstbe,one deserves that honor but he.”

    then master schulz pluckedhis courage, and said, gravely,

    “then letboldly advancethe fight, and thusshall show our valour and might.”

    hereupon they all together setth schulz crossed himself and prayed for god’s assistance, butall this wasno avail, andwas getting nearer and nearerthe enemy,screamed “oho! oho! ho! ho! ho!”the greates awakened the hare, whichgreat alarm darted swiftl master schulz saw her thus flying from the fieldbattle,criedhis joy.

    “quick, veitli, quick, look there, look there, the monster’s nothing buare!”

    but the swabian allies wentsearchfurther adventures, and camethe moselle, a mossy, quiet, deep river, over which there are few bridges, and whichmany places people havecroshe seven swabians did not know this, they calleda man who was workingthe opposite sidethe river,know how people contrivedge distance and their wayspeaking made the man unableunderstand what they wanted, andsaid “what? what?”the way people speakthe neighborhoodtreves.

    master schulz thoughtwas saying, “wade, wade through the water,” andhe was the first, beganset out and went intowas not long beforesankthe mud and the deep waves which drove against him, but his hat was blownthe opposite shorethe wind, anrog sat down beside it, and croaked “wat, wat, wat.”the other sixthe opposite side heard that, and said, “oho, rades, master schulzcalling us;he can wade across, why cannot we?”so they all jumped into the water togethera great hurry, and were drowned, and thus one frog took the livesall sixthem, and not onethe swabian allies ever reached home again.

    m.pi.co (梨树文学http://www.lishu123.com)

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